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Ranged Area with Line

Displays a range of values over time, with a line indicating the average or median. This helps in understanding the variability and uncertainty within the data. It is useful for analyzing data with a range of values, such as stock price fluctuations, weather forecasts, or performance metrics with confidence intervals.



  const DateTimeFormatter = DataModel.DateTimeFormatter;
const share = muze.Operators.share;
const sourceYears = ["01-01-1992", "01-01-2018", "01-01-2072"];

.rows([[], [share("minDays", "days at or above 32 deg", "maxDays")]])
legend: {
color: {
value: "#bebada",
gridLines: {
x: {
show: true,
axes: {
y: {
domain: [180, 320],
name: "Average number of days at or above 32˚C",
numberOfTicks: 8,
mark: "line",
className: "line-plot-item",
encoding: {
y: "days at or above 32 deg",
interpolate: "catmullRom",
mark: "area",
className: "area-layer",
encoding: {
y: "minDays",
y0: "maxDays",
color: {
value: () => "#fb8072",
transition: {
duration: 0,
interpolate: "catmullRom",
mark: "text",
className: "text-layer",
encoding: {
y: "days at or above 32 deg",
text: {
field: "time",
formatter: (dataInfo) =>
DateTimeFormatter.formatAs(dataInfo.rawValue, "%Y"),
color: {
value: () => "#000",
source: (dt) =>{
conditions: => ({
field: "time",
value: +new Date(s),
operator: "eq",
operator: "or",
encodingTransform: (points) => {
for (let i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
points[i].update.y -= 10;
if (i === 0) {
points[i].update.x -= 30;
if (i === len - 1) {
points[i].update.x -= 30;
return points;
mark: "point",
className: "anchor-indicator",
encoding: {
y: "days at or above 32 deg",
size: {
value: 100,
color: {
value: () => "#ff0000",
source: (dt) =>{
conditions: => ({
field: "time",
value: +new Date(s),
operator: "eq",
operator: "and",
mark: "tick",
className: "tick-layer",
encoding: {
y: "maxDays",
y0: "minDays",
source: (dt) =>{
conditions: => ({
field: "time",
value: +new Date(s),
operator: "eq",
operator: "and",
.subtitle("Days at or above 32°C per year from the time you were born")